No Sustainable Ocean Catches – Save the Ocean Jewelry

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No Sustainable Ocean Catches

shark swimming in ocean
Ocean Life Which Over Fishing is Rapidly Killing Off
   There is No Sustainable Sea Food     

·        Abalone: a large edible sea snail of coastal waters

·        Albacore: a prized species of tuna

·        Anchovy: a small, oily fish of the Atlantic and Pacific, providing food for many fish, marine mammals, and birds

·        Angelfish: a bright-colored fish of coral reefs

·        Barnacle: an arthropod of coastal waters that attaches itself to rocks and shells

·        Barracuda: a tropical and subtropical predatory fish with a feisty appearance

·        Blue Crab: a delicacy on the eastern coast of the US

·        Blue Whale: the world’s largest marine animal

·        Bull Shark: an aggressive shark that canthrive in both salt water and fresh water

 ·        Cleaner wrasse: a coral-inhabiting fish that removes parasites from other fish

·        Clownfish: a small tropical fish of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, with orange and white stripes

·        Cod: a deep-sea fish, formerly a staple food in Europe and America, now greatly reduced in numbers in the Atlantic

·        Conch: an edible shellfish with a distinctive spiral shell

·        Coral: polyps, mostly tropical, mostly living in huge colonies along with photosynthesizing microorganisms

·        Crown of Thorns: a larges ea star that feeds on corals

·        Cuttlefish: a squid-like creature belonging to the mollusk family

·        Dolphin: an intelligent, vocal, social sea mammal

·        Dottyback: a brightly colored fish of coral reefs

·        Dragonet: a showy tropical fish of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, with dragon-like eyes and fins

·        Driftfish: perch-like fish of tropical and subtropical waters, often associated with jellyfish or sargasso weed

·        Dugong or Sea Cow: a herbivorous marine mammal, a threatened species of the coastal Indian Ocean

·        Dungeness Crab: a large, prized edible crab from the western coast of North America

·        Eel: long-bodied fishes mostly living in shallow waters

·        Elephant Seal: a large seal, with big-nosed males, living in the waters around western North America and Antarctica

·        Emperor Shrimp: a bright-colored shrimp of the Indo-Pacific region that lives cooperatively another sea animals

·        Estuarine Crocodile: the world’s largest living reptile, found in Southeast Asian and Australian estuaries

·        Fan Worm: a worm that lives in a tube and feeds by straining seawater with its feathery tentacles

·        Flounder: a flatfish, camouflaged to match the ocean bottom, with both its eyes located on one side

·        Flying Fish: a tropical fish with wing-like pectoral fins

·        Fugu: a puffer fish, a Japanese delicacy,whose body contain a nerve toxin

·        Fugu (smaller fish at front) with Amberjack

·        Giant Squid: one of the largest living animals, up to 43 feet long, found in the world’s deep oceans

·        Great White Shark: a large, aggressive shark with a white belly and gray back

·        Grouper: a stubby, big-mouthed fish; many can change sex from female to male

·        Grunion: a small, slender fish that spawns on beaches at night in Southern California and Baja California

·        Haddock: a gray bottom-dwelling fish endemict o the North Atlantic Ocean

·        Hake: a food fish with an elongated body and a large head

·        Halibut: world’s largest flatfish,diamond-shaped, with one dark side and one light

·        Herring: a popular food fish that travels in large schools

·        Humpback Whale: a majestic-looking black-and-white whale with long, wide pectoral fins

·        Irukandji: a tiny but highly venomous jellyfish mostly found off the Australian coast

·        Isopods: crustaceans, seagoing relatives of sowbugs and pillbugs

·        Jellyfish: among the world’s most ancient multi celled animals, with a soft, jelly-like “bell” and tentacles

·        John Dory: a coastal fish with an eye like black mark on each side, and long, spiny dorsal fins

 ·        Killer Whale or Orca: a toothed,predatory black-and-white whale

·        King Mackerel or Kingfish: a medium-sized food fish of the Atlantic coast of the Americas

·        Krill: tiny shrimp-like crustaceans, very numerous in all oceans, important food for other creatures

·        Lamprey: a jawless fish with an eel-like body,circular sucking mouth, and triangular teeth; many are bloodsuckers

·        Leafy Sea Dragon: a fishwith seaweed-like appendages for camouflage

·        Ling: a long slender fish of the North Atlantic

·        Lionfish: a venomous fish with red and white stripes and spiny dorsal fins

·        Lobster: a large crustacean with a musculartail and two large claws

·        Mackerel: a food fish with a striped back and deeply-pronged tail

·        Mahi-mahi or Dorado: a medium-sized fish with a long back fin running from head to tail

·        Manatee or Sea Cow: a large herbivorous sea mammal, related to the dugong, with rounded flippers

·        Manta Ray: a very large ray (up to 20 feet), a filter-feeder of open oceans

·        Megalodon: an extinct giant shark, one of the largest predators ever, up to 65 feet long

·        Mulloway: a predatory fish mostly found on Australian rocky shorelines

·        Mussel: a two-shelled mollusk; most attach themselves to shoreline rocks with tough threads

·        Narwhal: an Arctic whale whose males have along tusk

·        Nautilus: a primitive mollusk of the tropical Pacific, with a spiral shell and tentacles

·        Needle Fish: a slender-bodied, long-jawed fish of shallow water

·        Nemertea or Ribbon Worm: a primitive invertebrate with a stinging organ in its front end

·        Nudibranch: a colorful marine slug

 ·        Oarfish: a long, slender, seldom-seen fish;20-foot specimens occasionally wash up on beaches

·        Octopus: a color-changing mollusk with eight suction-cup-bearing tentacles; the most intelligent invertebrate

·        Olive Sea Snake: a highly venomous swimming snake of Indo-Pacific coral reefs

·        Ostracod or Seed Shrimp: a tiny,two-shelled crustacean, abounding in oceans as well as in humid environments on land

·        Oyster: a two-shelled mollusk eaten as a delicacy around the world

·        Pilchard or Sardine: a small, oily fish that typically swims in large schools

·        Plankton: tiny marine organisms of all kinds—animals, plants, bacteria, algae, protists—that play a major role in the world’s food chains

·        Porcupine Fish: a spiny tropical marine fish that can inflate itself

·        Porpoise: a small toothed marine mammal,related to dolphins but with different-shaped nose and teeth

·        Prawn: a name for the larger kinds of shrimp

·        Pufferfish or Puffers: poisonous fish(including fugu, above) that inflate into balloon-like shapes when threatened

·        Quahog: a round, hard-shelled clam of the US Atlantic coast

·        Queen Conch: a large edible sea snail of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic

·        Queensland Blenny: a small fish with comb-liketeeth native to coral reefs of the western Pacific

·        Quillfish: a long, thin, seldom-seen fish of the northeastern Pacific

·        Red Waratah Anemone: a red anenome (a polyp with stinging tentacles) of the shores of Australia and New Zealand

·        Requiem Shark: a group of aggressive shark species of warm oceans or fresh water

·        Ringed Seal: a small, ear less seal native to the Arctic, that makes breathing holes in sea ice

·        Ross Seal: a large seal endemic to theAntarctic ice

·        Sea Cucumber: a soft, sausage-shaped echinoderm with leathery skin and a tentacled mouth

·        Sea Horse: a small, upright-swimming fish (it really is a fish) with a horse-like head

·        Sea Lion: a large, eared seal with long limbs acting as flippers

·        Sea Otter: a furry marine mammal of the north Pacific that eats sea urchins, mollusks, crustaceans, and fish

·        Sea Turtle: seven species of turtles that have flippers for limbs; they may live for hundreds of years

·        Sea Urchin: an echinoderm, often with a spherical body covered with long spines

·        Sponge: a marine invertebrate with a porous body without distinct tissues or organs

·        Starfish or Sea Star: predatory star-shaped echinoderms that crawl on tiny tube feet

·        Swordfish: a large, migratory fish with a sword-like snout

·        Tiger Shark: a large shark (up to 16 feet) of tropical and subtropical oceans, with dark stripes

·        Tilefish: a small, spiny fish of tropical and temperate oceans, preferring coral reefs and sandy areas

·        Trumpetfish: a long, thin fish of the tropical western Atlantic, that often dangles or swims vertically to blend in with its surroundings

·        Tube Worms: a variety of different marine invertebrates that secrete hard tubes to protect themselves

·        Tun Shell: a tropical sea snail with a rounded shell said to resemble a “tun” or wine cask

·        Umbrella Shell: a sea slug (gastropod)with a spotted skirt-shaped body extending from its shell

·        Unicornfish: an Indo-Pacific fish with a horn-like protrusion on its forehead

·        Vampire Squid: a primitive cephalopo diving at great depths, with light-emitting spots, with dark webbing connecting its tentacles

·        Velvet Crab: a small swimming crab of the North Atlantic and western Mediterranean

·        Violet Sea Snail: a purple sea snail of tropical and subtropical oceans that floats on a raft of mucus bubbles

·        Viper Fish: a deep-sea fish with long,sharp teeth, big jaws, and an illuminated bell-shaped lure

·        Walrus: a large Arctic marine mammal with long tusks and whiskers

·        Whapuku or Wreckfish: a large fish,prized for food, from the seas off New Zealand and Australia

·        Whiting: a food fish of the cod family, of the shallow coastal waters off Europe

·        Xiphias: Latin for "swordfish," the genus name for the swordfish group

·        Xiphosura: The 400-million-year-old class of arthropods that includes horseshoe crabs, which are related to spiders and ticks

·        Yellowfin Tuna: a large, fast-moving fish of the open ocean, with yellow dorsal fins

·        Yellowtail Amberjack: a large food fish of the Indo-Pacific region

·        Yellow Tang: a small bright yellow fish of Indo-Pacific reefs, popular in saltwater aquariums

·        Zooplankton: the huge variety of tiny animals,eggs, and larvae that drift in oceans

·        Zebra Turkey fish: a spotted-and-striped spiny fish of shallow tropical Indo-Pacific waters

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